505-884-9087 ddmtuner0@gmail.com
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Become Part of Our Team!

The mission of the Rio Grande K9 Barrel Racing Club is to foster fun competition among dogs and their handlers in a safe, respectful, and enjoyable atmosphere..

About Rio Grande K9 Barrel Racing

A recent dog sport developing all over the United States particularly among dog owner familiar with horse barrel racing.

The dog runs a triangular course around three barrels.  There are four division: dog up to 15” tall at the shoulder blade behind the neck; dog 16” to 29” tall at the top of the shoulder blade; dog 16” to 29” tall at the top of the shoulder blade; dog 30” and taller at the top of the shoulder blade; and short legged dogs. 

Check out the action on YouTube.

Rules: When a dog demonstrates competency on lead he advances to off lead racing.  All racing is done on dirt or grass, never artificial surfaces.  No choke or pinch collars allowed.

Sign up now with Dee Turner, Turquoise Trail Dogs at 505-884-9087 or ddmtuner0@gmail.com.


Be Part of a Pet Loving Community

From the Albuquerque Doggie Dwaddle to Twinkle Light Parade, we do all sorts of events and are heavily involved in the community!

Upcoming News and Events

Trial June 22, 2019

Offlead: 1)Toni Shaeffer medium, Mick, 8.4 2)Toni Shaeffer, medium, Sassy, 9.5 3)Richard Mobarak, medium, Nell, 10.5   1) Pat Tucker, large, Danny, 9.03 2) Pat Tucker, large, Dot, 11.12 Dee Falk, offlead over; Cathy Hyatt, offlead, over.   Offlead: Phil...

Spring and Summer Demonstrations

Barallers, Spring/Summer opening demonstration, Saturday, May 11. Los Ranchos Growers Market, 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m., 6718 Rio Grande NW. Our second demonstration will be at Paws and Claws new city animal shelter, Saturday, May 18, 1:30 p.m. Location: 3001 2nd SW,...

Coming in May

Doberman of NM Rescue, barrel racing demonstration, balloon popping raffle and lure coursing in May 2019.   Watch for spring/summer schedule for Los Ranchos Growers Market.

Los Ranchos Growers Market Summer Schedule 2019

Join our club today!   We will be meeting over the following dates at the Rio Grande Park for dog barrel racing.  A great opportunity to meet other dog lovers in the Albuquerque area, and have your dog compete in barrel racing! Location:  6718 Rio...

Meet and Greet New Members

New members welcome!  To our current members, bring a friend!   We'll meet at Wild Pet Food Plus at 3301 Menual Blvd NM Ste#10 Albuquerque, NM 87106 Contact Dee at 505-884-9087 for more information.

Dog Barrel Practice

Programs for new and advanced dogs. Saturday, February 26, 2019 at 1 PM North Domingo Baca Park, Corona NE, west Wyoming and north of Paseo del Norte For more information, call Dee Turner at 505-884-9087.

Winter 2019 Trial Results

Winter 2019 Trial Results:OffLead Large Dog:       First:  Sirus (Claire Middleton), 13.44 sec.Medium OffLead Medium DogFirst:  Nell, (Charlotte Mobarak) 13.44 sec.            Second:  Austin (Ann Simpson) 12.62 sec.        Third:  Sassy (Pat Tucker) 16.19 sec. On...

K9 Rehab Institute is introducing K9 AKC Certified Trick class

     The class will start February 26th, 2019. It will start at 6:30-8pm for Four (4) Weeks The cost is $275.00 for non-CGC (Canine Good Citizen) Certified Dogs *$25.00 is the cost for the test and evaluation for us to preform at the time of the...

Third Winter Barrel Racing Competition

Third Winter Barrel Racing Competition Sunday, January 20, 2019,  Los Padillas Community Gym, 2117 Los Padillas SW, Alb.  NM Registration: Noon -1 P.M. Individual Racing: 1-2:45 P.M. Awards announced at 3 P.M. Entry Fees Charge: Membership-entry: $1 per dog; day of...

Rio Grande K9 Barrel Racing Club Sign Up

8 + 14 =

Our Sponsors

Barralers, Roberto at Wild Pet Food Plus is going to give our members a discount. When you show your card you get a 10% discount for your purchase; all following purchases get 5%. Wild Pet Food has an array for quality dog food and wonderful dDateog gear. If you are going to shop for your pet, please consider Wild Pet Food Plus and support our sponsor. Wild Pet Food Plus is at 3301 Menaul NE, just west of Carlisle. Their phone number is 505-990-0099.

Thank you sponsors for supporting us.

Arie’s Dog Land, BathFitters, CarCrafters, Champion Windows and Doors, Dan’s Boots and Saddles, Del Norte Animal Clinic, New Mexico Kennels, Tail Wagging Grooming,Vicks Viddles, and Wild Pet Food Plus.