by Erin | Apr 27, 2021 | All Writing , Poetry
Boundaries set upon drawn lines Definition cultivated into set space Trees cultured into artificial constructs Defined into desired form Seeking order though Left unattended, Blooms into chaos
by Erin | Apr 5, 2021 | All Writing , Poetry
Bad poetry has a purpose.
To capture pain
write it down,
process and transform it.
Because memories bog the mind,
hurting relationships that could flourish.
killing art that could be created,
and inhibiting relief needed to heal.
Better to write bad poetry to expel pain,
then let it rot the heart.
by Erin | Apr 5, 2021 | All Writing , Poetry
Walls, boundaries by another name. Hard to open, she felt could let him in, but he barricaded himself in. Hurt, she opened to another, who shamed her, and another just stood, not knowing what to say. So she moved on, taking brick by brick down, exposing all for any connection.
by Erin | Apr 5, 2021 | All Writing , Poetry
Since her own wings were clipped,
she only saw the molting feathers,
and not the potential for them to fly.
She took out her scissors
to keep them grounded,
keep them safe,
never to reach for the sky again.
by Erin | Apr 5, 2021 | All Writing , Poetry
She loved the ideal romanticism
he displayed in his posture,
the way he talked,
and how he listened.
Always guarded,
his actions were a never-ending performance.
His hands occasionally shook
during moments of vulnerability,
and he retreated.
It is impossible to read the real him,
the ever actor shielding his true self